So this past weekend I asked you what your favourite board games were and the top ones in Portage seem to be Sorry, Risk, Clue and Monopoly. Here were some of the other contenders:


Dixie Tomchuk: Crib is a good one ..always loved Masterpiece ! Wonder if you can get it anywhere now.

Brooke Gabel-Vuignier and Anita Lorraine: Settlers of Catan

Leanne Scott Dewis: Sequence is my new fav

Val Farmer: Chess

(Yeah, I like chess too)

Crystal Blasing: Battleship

Iris Dwyer Blume: My family favourite growing up is Clue, but the Blumes can play a pretty intense Monopoly. Waaay too much negotiationing than the rules allow, I'm certain. It can last for many hours. (Excluding your news reporter though, he's NOT a Monopoly fan). We also love Balderdash.

Caitlin Giercke: Mexican train! Blokus.


For your consideration, I'd like to also throw in Forbidden Island, Coup and Awkward Family Photos.