As we approach Thanksgiving, the foodbank in Portage la Prairie is preparing to feed many families, and now, thanks to a donation of potatoes from BDO in Portage, fulfilling the needs of Portage families has become a little bit easier.

Major Brenda Hammond from the Salvation Army shares that the BDO started doing this annually for the food bank three years ago. 

"They take the staff out to the Beaver Creek Farm, and they dig potatoes as a team. Then they load them up in their vehicles and bring them to the food bank." 

Hammond applauds BDO for providing 613 pounds of potatoes and getting their staff out for some good physical activity.  

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"That is a great help for us," says Hammond. "We have not had a lot of potatoes this last four or five months, and when we don't have a lot, we just put a little less in the bag for all the families that come. So, because of BDO, we'll fill the bags up nice and full, and they'll lots not cater for them for Thanksgiving supper." 

She adds that she is so thankful for organizations that can come together and donate to the food bank. 

"Right now, we're serving so many people every single week, and it's a daunting thing to try and provide help for 75/80 families a week. That's a very, very difficult thing right now." 

Hammond notes that she thanks the people of Portage for pulling together and finding ways to help those in need.

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