Prairie Fusion Arts & Entertainment is undergoing some renovations, but they're still going ahead with various programming. Manager of Gallery Operations Lee Beaton explains they're compensating by holding one event they're calling, "Down the Rabbit Hole," on June 15. 

"Alice in Wonderland is going to be there, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, and a few other characters. There's going to be some different activities that people can come in with. It's a family event. It's on June 15th, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. People going to be able to play croquet out in the garden if it's not raining, and some other scavenger hunts. "

She explain they're still working on details, and you can find tickets available at their website.

She notes they'll set up tables and you will be served tea at the table, whether it's ice or your regular tea.

"With the renovations in the theatre side, we're going to be shut down for three months. And so, we still want people to come here and support us in different ways. We just thought that we'd do some activities to bring people and engage families, because there's not a whole lot for families to do. We just thought we would try to create some event and bring people in here to see the artwork at the same time, and have some fun." 

The shutdown is due to renovations of their washrooms.

Lee BeatonManager of Gallery Operations Lee Beaton shows where renovations are taking place

"We won't be able to have any rentals in there or any concerts, because it will be shut down till September. We're going to try and come up with some more ideas to engage and have people come in. We're working on our fall programming and that will be launched probably in August. And we're looking at maybe having a season of performances which we haven't done for a while, so it's going to be some changes and we're excited about some of the events coming up. I can't share any more details than that."

Beaton explains the new washrooms will be completely comprised of individual stalls. 

"It's going to be inclusive and gender-neutral. That way, when we have 150 women, all the washrooms can be utilized at the same time. Say that we've got 150 men in there. They can all use all the washrooms instead of standing there, waiting in line. It just makes sense, and the fixtures were over 25 years old, They were starting to not work properly. We're doing a whole redo. It looked like an industrial school washroom. So, it'll be new and improved and be we'll be launching that once it's done."