The councillors in the RM of Armstrong is aiming to make their town-sites more attractive places to live. Reeve Jack Cruise says they recently sent their councillor out looking for derelict buildings, in order to identify sites that need to be cleaned up.

"What we would normally do is notify the owners of these derelict buildings and ask them to clean them up. If they refuse, we have a by-law that allows us to go in and clean them up, and then put it against their taxes. Each councillor in their ward was supposed to identify any buildings that are in the town-sites that are unsightly, dangerous, or derelict."

Cruise says they half a half-dozen townsites within the municipality, and councillors managed to identify between six and ten locations in need of work.

"We have a ward system so we have councillors spread all over the municipality. The intention is to have the councillors identify the buildings in their town-sites, and then get our CAO to start with notifications and whatever comes after that."

He's hoping to see the work completed as soon as possibly, to help keep their communities attractive.