The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) was part of an event last week regarding foreign direct investment, and its benefits to the area.

AMM President and Reeve for the RM of Portage la Prairie Kam Blight shared what he thought was the benefit of the meeting for those in the Portage area.

"There was good attendance, considering the weather we had. It was a very informative session, and I think the individuals that were in attendance were able to walk away with a lot of information and contacts and direction moving forward in attracting foreign direct investment."

The meeting focused largely on how to increase opportunities for foreign direct investment for businesses in Manitoba. Blight notes that in large part, the event was to help local businesses and municipalities see what resources are available to them.

"What this was good for was to help municipalities and individuals in attendance understand the tools and resources that are there for them to tap into, in order to help them with preparation to seek out or capitalize on opportunities that are in front of them in regard to foreign direct investment."

Blight added that there is a role to play for local governments in this matter.

"Municipalities, or local elected officials and staff within the communities are always looking for ways to attract investment into their communities to help with growth and provide opportunity for their residents for employment, and additional services to be provided. But we don't always know what tools are available to us, and what the necessary steps are. This meeting helped point out and guide municipalities going forward, as to what direction to go and where to turn to. It also pointed out some of the gaps, some areas we need to improve upon, both provincially and federally, in order for us to better accommodate any potential investment opportunities that come our way."