Charity Representative for the University of Manitoba Aggies, Paige Morisseau, along with Nicole Jonk from the university's Agriculture program, presented a cheque to STARS air ambulance on Thursday.

The amount donated from the Aggies totalled $13,187.75, which was raised during a two-day event where they pushed a bed through rural communities such as Portage la Prairie.

"I feel like just because a lot of Ag students are rural students, they probably really appreciate STARS being there all the time," says Haywood's Morisseau. "If you need STARS, they're there first and there's a lot of places that ambulances can't get to."

Morisseau, who is running to be a Charity Representative next year for the Aggies, says she will push for STARS to be the Charity chosen again.

The U of M student advocates for anyone that is looking at a future in agriculture to consider becoming an Aggie.

"Even if they're just planning on going back to the farm, it's good to get an education, anyways, and then get your university years in."

Morisseau says that the next Bedpush will happen in September or October this year.