A smile, saying good morning or holding the door open for a coworker; you have the power to make someone’s day with one small act of kindness. Join us in promoting positivity and kindness this week! May 7 - 13 is Kindness Week across Manitoba with Conscious Kindness Day May 10th. There are many ways to promote kindness in the community: you can buy someone a coffee, volunteer for Meals on Wheels, plant a tree or even bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store. Don't forget to use #kindmb to share kindness throughout social media. 

Here are 99 ideas to get you started:

Ideas to support local charities

  1. Give a child “The Chance 2 Grow” through a variety of extracurricular activities by purchasing petunias from Vanstone Nurseries. Learn more.
  2. Grandmothers Giving and PCRC team up to bring you perennial plants and hanging baskets to brighten up your yard Saturday May 13th, 9am-2pm at 56 Royal Road North. Proceeds support the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
  3. Mark your calendar for May 19th, grab lunch at Co-op Food Store in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation from 11am-1pm. $5 for lunch.
  4. Help construct a STARS landing zone at Portage and District Hospital by purchasing an early bird Portage Hospital Lotto ticket before May 27th.
  5. Pre-order lunch for the office at the annual Shirley McCulloch Foundation Friday BBQ Luncheon May 26th 11am – 1pm at the Hospital Garage. Your $10 lunch helps Portage Hospital Foundation purchase equipment for Regency House, Douglas Campbell Lodge and the hospital. Call 204-239-2242 for tickets.
  6. Help a child succeed by becoming a mentor with Big Brother Big Sisters Portage la Prairie.
  7. Donate children's clothing to Tupper Street Family Resource Centre
  8. Grab a coffee with friends Thursday May 11th, in support of the Emergency Asylum Housing Fund with The Social Justice Committee's Annual Coffeehouse at PCI. 7-9pm.
  9. Celebrate the arts and the Portage District Arts Centre by supporting the Centre at their 30th annual black-tie fundraiser at the Glesby Thursday May11th.
  10. Volunteer over lunch for meals on wheels by calling 239-6312
  11. Help teach English to Newcomers as an ESL Classroom Assistant or be a community tour guide at the Portage Learning and Literacy Centre along with Newcomer Settlement Services. Check out all of the volunteer oppourtunities.
  12. Saturday May 13th, enjoy a fundraiser concert with Johnny Dietrich and the Sharpe Sisters to help the Legion build a new roof.
  13. Foster an animal with PAWS or donate items such as dog food, towels and blankets.
  14. Donate books to Portage Library for their upcoming Summer Book Sale.
  15. Participate in the 10th annual Central Plains Challenge walk, run & roll June 10th.
  16. Donate non-perishable items to Salvation Army food bank.
  17. Leave a book at the Co-Op Food Store bookshelf.
  18. Donate Blood to the Canadian Blood Services.
  19. Serve at the soup kitchen.
  20. Clean out your closet and donate items to Community Clothes Cupboard located in the basement of the Portage Learning and Literacy Centre.
  21. Shop at MCC on Donation Days to benefit local charities.

Ideas to inspire children

  1. Bring your children to Pals on the Playground and get to know your neighbours! Monday at Fort La Reine, Tuesday at North Memorial and Wednesday at La Verendrye School. 6:30pm-8pm.
  2. Start a piggy bank for a cause.
  3. Bring colouring books to children at the hospital.
  4. Write to the Troops.
  5. Write anonymous chalk messages.
  6. Bring treats to the fire station.
  7. Ask for donations instead of birthday gifts.
  8. Set up a lemonade stand and donate the profits.
  9. Do something nice for someone in your family.
  10. Take your friend out for ice cream.
  11. Say hi to someone new.
  12. Write a positive note to a classmate.
  13. Choose a toy to donate to charity.
  14. Leave a friendly note in a library book.
  15. Make a friendship bracelet for a friend.
  16. Do an extra chore.
  17. Leave a basket of treats in your school office.
  18. Help a sibling with homework or school applications.
  19. Write thank-you notes to a coach, teacher, friend or anyone who has inspired you. Gratitude is a powerful tool.
  20. Leave kindness rocks at the park.
  21. Find something you have in common with a classmate.
  22. Fill someone’s bucket.
  23. Read about kindness.

Ideas for in the community

  1. Let a car merge in front of you.
  2. Bring reusable shopping bags to the grocery store.
  3. Give a generous tip to your server.
  4. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
  5. Add change to a parking meter that is about to expire.
  6. Hold the door for someone.
  7. Eat local. Visit the farmers market and support local businesses.
  8. Leave money on a vending machine as a surprise treat.
  9. Thank a public service worker (mail carriers, RCMP, fire fighters)
  10. Visit a nursing home.
  11. Help someone carry his or her groceries.
  12. Hold the elevator for someone.
  13. Pay it backwards: buy a movie ticket for the person behind you.
  14. Return rogue shopping carts.
  15. Tell someone they dropped a dollar (when they didn’t) and give them a dollar!
  16. Leave quarters at the Laundromat.
  17. Write a letter, email or note to a former schoolteacher.
  18. Pass along a great book you’ve finished reading.
  19. Bring in a neighbour’s garbage bin.
  20. Take a new neighbour on a tour of your favourite spots in Portage.
  21. Walk your neighbour’s dog.
  22. Buy ice cream for a friend or stranger.
  23. Know parents who would love a night out? Offer to babysit.
  24. Drop a kind note and $5 under someone’s windshield wiper.
  25. Plant a tree.
  26. Feed the birds.
  27. Save your pop can tabs for wheel chairs.
  28. Beautify your neighbourhood. Spend a few minutes picking up any trash you see. (Wearing gloves of course)
  29. Ride your bike or walk to work/school.
  30. Bake cookies for your librarian or bank teller.

Ideas in the workplace

  1. Bring coffee and donuts for your coworkers.
  2. Clean the office fridge or microwave.
  3. Sit with someone who is eating alone.
  4. Offer to help a coworker with a project.
  5. Place sticky notes with compliments, positive quotes or smiles to make someone’s day.
  6. Send a gratitude email to someone who deserves recognition.
  7. Have a LinkedIn account? Write a recommendation to promote another coworker.
  8. Surprise a coworker by treating them to lunch.
  9. Leave a thank you gift for the evening staff and cleaners to show their work doesn't go unnoticed.

Just because ideas

  1. Compliment the first three people you see every day.
  2. Do a favour without asking for anything in return.
  3. Leave a sweet note for a loved one.
  4. Text a positive message to 5 people in your phone.
  5. Pack someone’s lunch for the day.
  6. Practice self-kindness by taking 30 minutes a day doing something you love.
  7. Schedule a daily kindness reminder.
  8. Put your phone away when visiting with friends or family.
  9. Send anonymous flowers.
  10. Send a postcard or letter to someone you haven’t seen in a while.
  11. Leave May Day baskets hanging on your neighbour's front door. To make: place a plant or flower in a container with a kind note.
  12. Sign your organ donor card.
  13. Give an unexpected gift.
  14. Put 50 hearts in a box with a compliment on each one for your partner or friend. Tell them to pull out a heart anytime they need a pick-me-up.
  15. Cheer for your partner’s favourite team.
  16. It’s contagious. Every time you smile, your brain throws a happy-dance party!

Thanks for stopping by the blog. :)