Operation Red Nose has been a staple in our community for 17 years; this year, they had the most significant number of rides yet. 

Coordinator Leo Lapointe says that this year, they were able to keep 425 people from drinking and driving as opposed to 364 last year. 

"I'm thrilled with how many rides we've got and how many people use the service. Donations were pretty good, just around the same as what we did last year, maybe a little bit up, and that was just $10,000, yet we still got money coming from MPI."

The Coordinator says that having the community's support year after year shows how giving the community is. 

He says that this year ran very smoothly, with no bumps along the road. 

"We had a good turnout for the volunteers; as I said, it was another good year for Operation Red Nose."

Lapointe says that he has to give a huge thank you to all of the volunteers, sponsors, everyone who donated and, of course, those who chose not to drink and drive this holiday season.