The Treherne Kinette club set out to do something during the COVID-19 restrictions that would be fun for all ages. They settled on a car rally.

Kinette member and event organizer Christi Vandenbussche says they made it socially distant and something people could still participate in with activities.

"We had two routes that we created -- one for adults and one for children," says Vandenbussche. "The youth one had a little bit more of get-out-of-the-car and do some physical activity things like climbing stairs and racing around buildings -- that sort of thing; still not touching things, but a little more activity-oriented than the sit-and-find clues like the adult version."

She explains they were looking to see 16 but had 13 carloads get involved, which was pretty pleasing.

Vandenbussche notes they set each carload up with 15-minute intervals to allow no contact, and gave them their test questionnaires and marked their odometer readings. She says they then marked the time they began and sent them off with clues.

"We basically raised funds for the community's greatest needs," adds Vandenbussche. "So, there was no actual activity identified for the funds at this point in time. Throughout the year, all the activities are kind of community-based upon request, sort of thing."