Who has a car and helps deliver meals to seniors? You, If you sign up for it.

Service for Seniors Portage la Prairie is in dire need of help with its meal programs.

Executive director Shelley Caskey talks about the work they do for seniors.

"Outside of COVID-19, we do evening meals in five different apartment blocks here in town. With COVID-19 those meals have been cancelled because we can't do the social distancing, so we've been doing deliveries."

It takes around 15 volunteers to successfully deliver meals. Volunteers have been doing multiple shifts to fill the gap and are feeling burnt out.

Caskey describes the perfect volunteer.

"We do need a criminal record check, a vulnerable persons check, and a vehicle. They also need to be friendly."

The service serves between 80-100 meals between lunch and supper meals. It takes a lot of volunteers to make this happen.

Caskey says this is an essential service to the community.

"This gives seniors the opportunity to access nutrition. Otherwise, they're eating take out food that's not prepared in accordance with Canada's Food Guide, which is what we're following."

If you're interested in volunteering, you can visit their Facebook page or give them a call at 204-239-6312.