Residents of Delta Beach are excited for all the upgrades happening throughout the community.

Delta Beach Homeowner's Association President Don Clarkson's says a lot of people had given up hope of restoration after the flood.

"After the flood of 2011 and then issues around high water again in 2014, I wasn't sure we'd ever see any restoration to the public beach and the campground. The work going on there now is very encouraging and it bolds really well for the future of the whole Delta Beach area. We're not hearing a lot, of those full-time residents that I do happen to have contact with, it seems to be really positive feelings toward the work that is being done."

The permanent residents are hopeful their property values will increase.

"There's a hope that this will all help values," says Clarkson. "We are sitting with a lake that's going up and not going down at this time of year is alarming in itself, are we looking at the possibility of a repeat of 10/11 is a concern. I think we're well protected, the work the RM did on the geotubes left us with a great amount of protection, and should help resolve some of the stagnant water and ponds issues that were occurring as well."

He says the area was flourishing at one point.

"The public beach prior to the flood of 2011 had become a place people were returning to from Portage and the surrounding areas. To say we've missed the business might be incorrect, but I think we're all realizing the more active the area is the better it is for everybody. Regardless of whether it's what's going on at the public beach, or the road paving, or the water hookups that are occurring."

Clarkson says the water at the campgrounds is a separate issue from the water to the individual property owners. "Water at the campground will attract people who have upscale camping, 5th wheels, and the larger trailers, and that should provide great use to the area for the RM and the possibility of providing more services than just a campground or whether there are any future plans for a canteen or a store will depend on how successful the campground is. Adding water is can only increase the acceptance and ability of the campground to attract more people."

He's looking forward to the completion of all the work.