Community Futures West Interlake is a regional economic strategy which involves all the RMs in the region. Reeve of the RM of Woodlands, Trevor King, explains more.

"It's a strategic plan throughout the West Interlake that the Community Futures is hosting. It involves all the RMs in the West Interlake, so it's kind of a regional strat plan I guess you could call it, to develop a strategy for the region as far as economic development goes."

He outlines the focus of the strat plan.

"A lot of the funding now we're finding is regional. If there're any regional projects, there's funding available. So if we can collectively come up with projects that we can work on together as municipalities in the West Interlake I think that's the whole idea of the strat plan."

King points out it's easier to get funding for projects as a region than alone.