If you love nature and want something to do throughout isolation, why not try bird watching? 

Violet Hay is an avid bird watcher and says it’s a great way to get out and pass the time.

She encourages you to use the app called Sibley Birds. 

“It’s a great resource tool, and it’s a good thing to do with the kids in the spring. It’s something that you can go do outside, and you can go drive around in your car. If you have binoculars or a good camera. You can zoom in and try to identify the birds. It’s a good learning tool. I take my grandkids out all of the time.” 

Hay has been involved with bird watching for 20 years and has attended many bird counts and meets with a local bird group.

 “The older population of birders have been mentoring through the Natural History Group. Doctor Bob Jones is an Ornithologist and a great resource available in our community.”

There are virtual tools like live hummingbird cameras, eagles nest cameras and the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre in Île-des-Chênes.

Hay says it’s bird migration season right now.

“It’s a very exciting time to be out birding because there are lots of species coming and going during migration passing through. The possibility of seeing more species is at a peak right now. It’s just starting in May into even June. You’re going to see some cool species.” 

She recommends Delta Beach and Island Park for bird watching.