Portage Assisted Living (PAL) is working towards building a new facility.

At Portage Rotary's meeting yesterday, PAL co-chair Al Braun said the City of Portage la Prairie is providing a piece of property for the space.

"We're really pleased that the city is making a piece of property available for us," says Braun. "If we can put the project together. That's a huge step for us. After that we have to look at putting together more concrete things like estimates at how much the project could cost, and how we can possibly fund it."

He says now PAL will meet with a consultant to discuss the first few steps.

"We have to start with drawing, engineering, and zoning. However, the City has said they would look after the zoning for us ... Individuals around the community have had comments for us, getting it done sooner is a lot better than later."

Braun says PAL was initially looking at the site of the former women's prison in town, but it was too costly to remove. He adds the land they've been given is right next to the Rotary Housing.