Just like Trooper, the fresh strawberry season was here for a good time, not a long time. Berry farms in the area have wrapped things up for another season. At Connery Farms, things officially finished for their U-Pick season on Friday, July 29th.

Sam Connery-Nichols, a manager at Connery Farms, says that this season went really well.

"It was nice to finally be able to see people and interact in the way we did before COVID. So, it was really nice to have those red-ripe berries and get out there and see the people, let everyone pick and have the pre-pick for those that preferred that. It was just a much nicer year."

Connery-Nichols notes that while there was a fair amount of rain for the season, that is not something they aren't used to.

"It wasn't a huge deviation, but it does always make the berries a little softer for about 24 hours after we get a big rain. We just moved along, we knew what to do, and our customers know to check the weather before they head out."

Strawberry season at Connery's officially started on the 9th, meaning the farm had three weeks.

While not having the exact numbers of baskets sold, Connery-Nichols says her farm usually goes through 15,000 buckets of strawberries a season.

"Some years, you go through more, some less, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a little more this year." 

Connery-Nichols adds that everyone at her farm loves strawberry season as you just can't beat the joy on people's faces as they enjoy a fresh Manitoba strawberry. However, they are also ready for a little break.

"It's been a long, long three weeks. Very busy because we're open from 8 to 8. So, 12 hours a day, seven days a week. It gets to be a long season. We definitely need a refresh, but we're always so excited to get new fresh strawberries. We'll live on the frozen ones for now but can't wait for next year too."