The Rotary Club of Portage la Prairie is hoping to add to their ranks.

The group has been working to make Portage la Prairie a better place for decades, and the club’s Sargeant at Arms, Jim Brands, says joining Rotary has led to some great memories. He explains that his role is to make sure the meetings go as well as possible.

“Part of my job is to make sure that the tables are here and that there's enough seating for everybody,” says Brands. “I try to keep control of the crowd by placing ‘fines’ which we use as a fundraiser.”

He notes that the fines he speaks of are happy fines, which means that you give a couple of dollars to the club and tell them about what made you happy recently. Brands, a Rotary Club member for nearly 15 years, says when he joined, he didn’t want to be a part of much besides helping fundraise, but that changed after seeing the camaraderie of the group.

“My favourite memories would include the people I'm involved with here,” says Brands. “We have a lot of fun. There’s a lot of teasing that goes on behind the scenes, but there’s also a lot of hard work by everyone who volunteers.”

He adds it’s very rare that they don’t have enough people stepping up for any given job.

“It’s a great organization,” notes Brands. “Come in, by all means, the more members the better.”