While the current executive director of the Fort la Reine Museum won’t be the one behind the wheel next year, she’s still looking into some of the new showcases and exhibits coming to the museum.

Madison Connolly says they’ll be getting a really interesting exhibit, courtesy of Ingenium Canada.

“It's called ‘On the Trail of the Monarch Butterfly’,” explains Connolly. “This exhibit is more of a natural history display and it features all the different aspects of how monarch butterflies reproduce and make a four-generation journey to Canada from Mexico.”

That exhibit will be in the main gallery for all of summer and early fall, but Connolly, herself, will be unable to be the curator during that time, as she’ll allow an interim director take the reins for 2022.

“I'm actually going on maternity leave in about a month or so,” notes Connolly. “We will have a new interim director for the next year and I can say more on that in the coming two weeks when we have someone official.”

To keep up to date with the Fort la Reine Museum throughout 2022, click here.