The RM of Coldwell will be in threat of flooding if the Provincial Government doesn't help out soon.

That's from Reeve Brian Sigfusson who says, "Hopefully, (the Provincial Government) will get going on draining water out of the north end of Lake Manitoba. It needs to get over to Lake Winnipeg, I don't want them laying back on that. With all the snow we got this year, and the snow out west -- plus the high water -- I think it's very important that our Provincial Government get together and get at it."

Sigfusson says people have to realize the cost of something like another flood in the area.

"That's the thing I asked the Provincial Government last summer and they sort of just shrugged their shoulders. I talked to the Premier himself and a few of his Ministers and said we can't sleep on this anymore. We can't keep doing the study and stall program, it's been beat up enough and it's time to move forward."

He adds people can't afford another flood in the area and he hopes the Provincial government will step up sooner than later.