CAA Manitoba's Worst Roads campaign has hit the halfway point. Some roads in Western Manitoba are in or near the top 10. Erika Miller is a public relations specialist with CAA and says so far 4,000 votes have come in for the contest.

"People are voting because they're tired of driving down provincial highways that feel more like horse trails rather than highways. They're wary of hitting bumps that make their backs hurt. We've seen a really, really great response from a lot of rural Manitobans voting on our worst roads website for roads in their community they want to see fixed."

Manitoba Road 353 is in second place 100 votes behind Carman's Main street. P-R 251 near Goodlands is in 8th place. Highway 450 between Boissevain and Deloraine is close to cracking the top 10.

"Boisevain Provincial Road 450 especially is creeping up. We could actually see that make it into the top 10 by the end of the campaign in two weeks. If you want to vote for Provincial Road 450 you can head to and put in your vote."

Miller adds, "With over 4,000 votes as of this morning, we're really seeing a great response from Manitobans who really want to let us know what their concerns are about their roads in their community."

Voting ends April 6th.