The Municipality of West-Interlake's working on its roads. Reeve Randy Helgason says they're currently in half decent shape.

Randy Helgason "We're trying to get the roads in shape. Actually, there are a few with frost boils and such. But with the winter we had, they're actually not bad. We're trying to get them in shape so we can apply dust control and get that out of the way."

He describes how the roads fared over the winter.

"Actually pretty good. It was a fairly mild winter. And you're always going to get some frost boils and that. But our grader guys have been going hard to get them into shape. Last year, we actually got a contractor to crush rock for us for this year's graveling."

Helgason explains they devised a method to determine what roads need most attention.

"What we did was we drove all the roads in both wards. Now we're mapping them. Whichever road we feel requires gravel, then we'll be able to better track that, and spend the money more wisely where it's needed."

He adds Council went out on the roads along with the grader operators for the assessment. Helgason says actually seeing the roads is simply better than just taking another person's word for it. He says he's made it his practice to assess a road whenever he gets a complaint.