The Municipality of Bifrost_Riverton's reeve is thrilled with their new public works foreman. Jason Comeau was hired to the position in April, the third individual hired to fill the role that previously didn't exist. Harold Foster says while the other two foremen didn't work out, Comeau has certainly alleviated some of the pressure on their councillors.

"People phone in and want things checked out, this, that, and the other things. Without a public works foreman, the councillor who's responsible has to go check it out. Now we can just give it to the public works foreman, he checks it out, and reports back to the public works councillor."

Comeau came to the municipality from the environmental rehabilitation company, Tervita, which looked after the remediation and reclamation of land that could possibly be contaminated. Foster notes Comeau's experience seemed to be a good fit, but admits working for a municipal public works department can be a bit different.

"He's learning as he goes. He had good qualifications, but it's a different kind of job. However, he seems to be quite capable."

Foster notes Bifrost_Riverton was one of the few municipalities without a foreman in place and says since Comeau's hiring they've definitely been alleviated of some of the extra work they'd been taking on.