The vice president of the WMM Fish Co-op is upset with what he's hearing from some candidates campaigning in the provincial election.

Frank Kenyon says they're suggesting if the Fresh Water Fish Marketing Board's monopoly is lifted, fishers will no longer be eligible for Employment Insurance and Community Economic Development Funding.

"And that all the local fish packing stations will disappear. This is false. The fish packing stations are owned by either co-ops in the community, or private people in the community. If fishermen plan to not sell to Fresh Water in an open market, any fish buyer has to deduct CDF and EI, so the statement that there'll be no EI or CDF paid, that's an incorrect statement."

Kenyon acknowledges each party has a different position on Fresh Water Marketing.

"One of the parties that want to keep the monopoly as it is, to save the union jobs in Fresh Water, are telling some of our members that CDF will no longer be available for fishermen, fishermen won't receive EI, and all the local fish packing stations will close. If we find that our members are being told incorrect things, we have a responsibility to correct it."

The WMM Co-op has about 300 members along Lake Manitoba.