The Municipality of North Norfolk was approached by a company hired by Manitoba Hydro regarding culverts that will be placed for workers to bring equipment onto land where Bipole III pole foundations will be installed. Mayor Neil Christoffersen says Council had to inspect the locations.

Neil Christoffersen"With the collaboration with the construction company and where the line is going, we went out and looked at the different sites that they recommended where they wanted a culvert to make an approach from the municipal road to the field where they could have easy access to get in and do the foundation. We had to go out and study where they wanted these culverts to make sure it was wasn't going to impede any of the water flow when we put these approaches in."

He notes they made a few alterations.

"The recommendations they had were based on the sites of the towers. The culverts were in pretty good positions. We recommended a couple of changes with the bigger sizing of culverts. And I'm sure they'll go ahead and do that because all of the price of the culvert and the installation of the culvert will be included in the Bipole project and won't be taken up by the municipality."

Christoffersen adds, "There was no indication when they were going to get started. I know they've done the surveying and pole sites have been located. That's all the knowledge that we have today."