2015 winner - Dave Wollman, North of Oakville


It's become a Spring Tradition. A lucky farmer in the area wins a Tank and a Trailer from Hi-Tec Trailers, Marquette Co-op, CFRY and our many great partners. This year will be no exception. The only question is...Will it be you that wins? CFRY is celebrating 60 years this fall and we are Manitoba's Longest Running Country Music Station. With that in mind, we thought this year the tour should be even better. But what could we do? There is one question that is asked over and over every year on the tour and the answer has always been "no". Well this year, the answer will be "Yes" and it means an even better prize for you.

Starting April 12th, we will be visiting places like Western Bearing and Auto Parts, Drummond's in Holland, R Way Ag of St. Claude, Intel Seed of Oakville, Rocky Mountain Equipment in Portage AND Elie, The Interlake Co-op in Eriksdale (our first visit to Eriksdale ever for TNT April), Fountain Tire Portage, Nu Era Seed and the Marquette Co-op. And once again, the only time you can enter is when we are live on location. Five names will come from each spot and one name will survive to the end. That is the person who will take home this years awesome prize. Stay tuned to CFRY and check back right here for more information in the coming days.

TNT APRIL - It's almost here.