• Cabinet Ministers will travel across Manitoba to plan for future infrastructure investments. The idea is to spend $1 billion per year, with flood protection a top priority. A special mention of an additional outlet on lake Manitoba. 
  • Immediate action to work with Federal Government, starting with outlet to alleviate flooding on lake Manitoba.
  • Make recommendations to result in new jobs and economic growth in our province.
  • Focused discussions with indigenous leaders to build a strong and friendly relationship.
  • Provincial government will look into advancing trade opportunities.
  • Plans to boost tourism. Especially in the northern parts of the province. 4% of tourism sector based revenue to go back to "Travel Manitoba" to increase funding for the province.
  • Plans to reduce ambulance fees for Manitobans in critical need of the service.
  • Creation of a task force to reduce wait times within hospitals. 
  • Immediately introduce the "Protecting Children Act" to make it easier for government departments such as CFS, RCMP and other service providers to share information and collaborate when dealing with victimized and at-risk children.
  • Expand mental health and addictions programs, emphasizing better coordination and access.
  • Education - discuss with front-line stakeholders to include measurable goals to improve literacy.
  • Begin discussions with the federal government to develop a made in Manitoba climate action plan centered around environmental protection. Carbon pricing to foster emission reductions and investment in clean energy.
  • Abolish vote tax subsidy and restore right to vote on major tax increases (in regards to the 1% PST rate increase).
  • Begin a fixed election period as well as adhering to a fixed election date.