1. Paint a bar of soap with nail polish and leave it in the shower. The soap won’t lather, which should give your kids fits as they try to get ready in the morning.

2. Make ‘chocolate chip cookies’ out of mashed potatoes and black beans.

3. Put a twist on a sunny-side-up egg. A halved peach in yogurt not only looks like an egg, but also makes a delicious breakfast.

4. Put a bowl of your kid’s favorite cereal and milk in the freezer overnight, then watch in the morning as your unsuspecting kid clanks a spoon against the frozen milk.

5. Squeeze a few drops of food coloring into the bottom of your kid’s bowl, then cover it with cereal. When your kid pours the milk it will change colors as it rises to the top.

6. Put a photocopy of your face under the toilet seat and close the lid.

7. Make candied apples … with onions.

8. A mashed potato sundae also makes for quite the surprise.

9. Serve up a glass of juice that is really Jell-O. That first sip will be classic.

10. Duct tape a blown-up balloon to a plate and then frost it. Provide a knife to ‘cut the cake’. Just don’t expect your startled kid to help you clean up the mess!