Portage la Prairie MLA Jeff Bereza recently honoured two Portage program organizations at the Manitoba Legislative Assembly. They are the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Plains and PCI's Roving Campus program. 

"One of the honours that I get to do is called Private Member Statements," explains Bereza. "I've been using my Private Member Statements to highlight our constituency and some of the great work that goes on in it. We did that a couple weeks ago with Roving Campus and now with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and there are just so many great organizations in Portage and surrounding Portage that give so much back to the community. I hope this is a little way that we can recognize the unbelievable work that they do."

He explains these Statements are allotted a time on most days at the Assembly, and MLAs pick a specific slot.

"Big Brothers Big Sisters as well as the Roving Campus came in, and they had a tour of the building. They got to see this great, beautiful building that I get to work in every day. And then they get to sit up in the gallery, and we recognize them. I'm happy to say in both situations with their Roving Campus and the Big Brothers, Big Sisters, that they received a resounding standing ovation from both sides of the aisle. The work that Big Brothers Big Sisters and Roving Campus do really is non-party. It was a great day."

Bereza adds it makes a great connection between community organizations and the provincial government.