The winner of the CFRY Farmer's Appreciation Lunch $23,000 grain bin draw for 2016 is Adam and Andrea Kopp. Their farm is just west of Amaranth. Kopp's farm is owned and operated in conjunction with Adam's father.

He says they grow canola, cereals, and some grain.

Kopp says he enjoyed the Farmer's Appreciation lunch in Austin, noting the meal was great and the cooler kind of day made it a great change and quite nice.

His wife Andrea describes how she heard the news of the draw.

"I was on my way to work to Gladstone when Adam called me. He said to listen to the radio. And, so I had heard that he made the top five. And I was listening to them take it out in reverse, It was exciting. We listened to the last two, and actually when I heard Adam won, our oldest boy, Mitch, called me on the cell phone. And I couldn't even listen to it on the radio. He was yelling. The boys were very excited."